Team Member Spotlight: Meet Elisabeth Caron!

Elisabeth Caron is a daytime and overnight newborn care specialist. She brings 10 years experience working with babies and families to her career and has been with Doulas of Capitol Hill since 2019.

  1. When did you find your Passion, or when did it find you?

I’m the oldest of 10 kids in my family so I’ve been taking care of little ones my whole life. In college, I started student teaching at the campus daycare, then became a lead infant teacher after graduation. When I moved down to DC from New England, I switched over to nannying, and became an NCS in spring 2019. At the same time, in one of my early babysitting jobs, I worked for a mom who was a birth doula and homebirth advocate, and that family was my introduction into the more “granola” side of birth and babies - babywearing, cosleeping, homebirth, etc. I started reading and researching, was introduced to RIE and Montessori, and incorporated aspects of all those into my childcare philosophy.

2. If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be?

Nobody is ever going to care what your GPA was in school, it’s ok to relax!

3. What makes you proud of yourself?

That I’ve done a lot of self-reflection and healing work in the past few years and forged my own path to be able to live the life I wanted.

4. What do you love about your life?

I love my quirky weird house and wild garden. I love living in DC and all the unique opportunities found here. I love cooking and feeding people. I love the community of loving and supportive birth workers and “baby people” around me. And most of all, I LOVE that I have the honor of caring for tiny humans just making their way into the world!

5. What did you want to be when you grew up?

An Egyptologist, from the time I was 3, and I went so far as getting my undergrad degree in ancient history. People think that’s totally different from working with babies, but it’s really not - I just think people and their stories are fascinating!

6. What are your top three values?

Kindness, justice, and curiosity.

7. Tell me about your favorite book or movie.

The Princess Bride was our “sick movie” growing up and I still watch it sometimes when I’m under the weather. I can probably recite the whole thing from memory. My secret life goal is to be the local wise woman living in a forest cottage mixing up mysterious remedies like Miracle Max.

8. How do you like to be told you’re doing a good job?

My love language is acts of service (unsurprisingly)!

9. Who is your role model and why?

AOC, for showing up and speaking out, and Lizzo, for embodying radical self-love and acceptance.

10. If you had any superpower, what would it be?

Either teleportation or a self-cleaning house.

11. How would you describe your (doula) style?

My goal is to help new parents feel calm and confident. Many parents in our community may be living far away from family support, don’t have experience with newborns, and feel overwhelmed and anxious. I’m a resource for parents to lean on, whether that means supporting you in learning those skills like babywearing, swaddling, or feeding, or providing loving care while you rest and heal. 

12. Describe yourself in 5 words

Creative, compassionate, curious, committed and crunchy


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