Getting to know Charnise Littles

When did you find your passion, or when did it find you? 

Funny enough my passion has been speaking to me my entire life. From dreaming about home birth in elementary school, to unexpectedly being picked up to attend a family member’s birth, to being recommended for my first 4 positions within the profession without applying. Sometimes it feels like my passions hunted me down; which is just fine. 

I found one of my passions during my senior year internship at Howard University. I was a new mother, maintaining my personal breastfeeding journey and surveying families on how satisfied they were with hospital based lactation support. I found another of my passions as I realized that normal people don't get pulled into birthing experiences as often as I did.

If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be?

My advice would be that “even if you’re afraid to do something, remember that you are more than capable and beyond qualified. So do it scared. Do it all scared!”

What makes you proud of yourself? 

The world can often be an unfair and unkind place. I am proud of myself when I show up in life with compassion, generosity, empathy and patience. 

What do you love about your life?

I love my family and support system who continues to show up for me in immeasurable ways, time and time again. 

I love the way I love, care and celebrate myself. I love that I give myself permission to shine and be authentic when there’s an overwhelming pressure not to be. 

What did you want to be when you grew up? 

I initially wanted to be a pediatrician when I grew up. It was very clear that I wanted to care for children, run my own private practice and serve my community. 

What are your top three values?

Transparency, vulnerability, and honesty. Transparency is illuminating when honesty can be taken at face value and vulnerability is the courage needed to put them both into practice.

How do you like to be told that you’re doing a good job? 

My favorite way for someone to tell me that I’m doing a good job is not only with words of affirmation but also increased compensation, if applicable. 

Who is your role model and why? 

I have two role models. One is Chandra Littles, my mother. She is the epitome of fun, badassery, and seizing moments to “live her best life.” The second is Oprah Winfrey who spends her life illuminating and discovering truth and is rewarded immensely for it. I aspire to be like them both! 

If you had any superpower, what would it be?

My superpower would be making things grow at an exponential rate in almost any environment. I would be able to grow mature trees in seconds, develop a community’s harvest in about 1 minute and bring forth life in extraordinary ways. World hunger would be eradicated. Infant mortality would be lessened.

How would you describe your (doula) style? 

This may sound (read) funny, but I simply do not care how people choose to deliver their babies. What I do care about is families being informed of their many choices in pregnancy, delivery and parenting. I care about birthing people feeling empowered and protected in their choices. I have a very calming presence in the midst of uncertainty and do very well at spreading that energy and power to those around me.

Describe yourself in 5 words

Exciting, intuitive, genuine, visionary, compassionate


Four Pillars of Rest in 2022

