Team Member Spotlight! Meet Emily Woody

Emily Woody is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and a Registered Dietitian. She has been with Doulas of Capitol Hill since 2017.

  1. When did you find your Passion, or when did it find you? 

I found my passion of support breastfeeding mothers, 6 years ago, when I started working as a WIC Nutritionist in Ward 7 of DC. When I started there my main focus was educating mothers and their children on healthy eating lifestyles, but as I started to learn more about breastfeeding and eventually started in the role of breastfeeding coordinator, I knew I had found my calling. There is nothing more satisfying than helping a mother have the confidence to breastfeed her child and reach her breastfeeding goal.  

2. If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be? 

Do the best you can, everything else will fall into place. 

3. What makes you proud of yourself? 

Checking off my to do list and accomplishing goals! 


4. What do you love about your life?

I love my family, especially my 6 month old daughter Lilly, my husband and my doggy daughter Sofie.  They are all I need in life. 

5. What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a vet! Except I had a rule that I wouldn’t treat snakes! 

6. What are your top three values?

Loyalty, Optimism, and Reliability 

7. Who is your role model and why?

My mom. She has always been the anchor of our family and has always been there for me no matter what. She is my best friend and I know I can go to her for anything. She raised 3 kids and was still able to have a career in her field of passion, athletic training, a profession dominated by men. My daughter’s middle name is named after my mother, Gwen. 

8. Describe yourself in 5 words

Respectful, Positive, Joyful, Dependable, Loyal


Let's Tell Your Story: BFAR and Low Milk Supply - Part II


Let's tell your story! My Breastfeeding and Donor Milk Journey