Earth Day Activity- DIY Birds Nest Balls

We are pleased to celebrate Earth Day and created this fun activity to do with the little ones using natural and up-recycled materials while providing a valuable contribution to the environment around us. Whether you live in the city or beyond the beltway, the nature walk can be a fun, healthy activity to do together while the weather is lovely.

These DIY Birds Nest Balls are filled with small objects, both natural and recycled, which the neighborhood birds can come and collect for building their nests. Then, when you see already built nests in you yard or on your street, you may recognize some of the colorful fabric or string you gave the birds for their creations.

What you’ll need:

  • Decorative grape-vine balls for filling

  • String for hanging the balls

  • Paper scraps or fabric scraps. Think thin strips less than 1/4” wide and 2” long so they aren’t too heavy for the birds to carry.

  • Small twigs, straw, feathers, or even untreated human hair or pet hair. Nothing with chemicals like flea and tick medicine.

  • Scissors

  • Flowers, pinecones, grass clippings

Fabric scraps, string, ribbon, left over crinkle paper from Easter baskets are all good ideas for this project.

These grapevine balls be found at many craft stores and often at the thrift store, if you’re looking to reduce your “footprint.”


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